5 Steps to Take When Your Small Business Suffers a Data Breach

Most businesses are forced to close shop after experiencing a data breach and those that manage to stay open rarely reclaim the success they experienced prior to the breach. You can’t undo a data breach once it has happened to your business, but you can help mitigate the damage of a data breach and save your company’s reputation if…


Portable Ladder Safety

Falls from portable ladders (step, straight, combination and extension) are one of the leading causes of occupational injuries. Be sure to familiarize yourself and your employees on the following safety tips before using a ladder. Read and follow all labels/markings on the ladder. Avoid electrical hazards! – Look for overhead power lines before handling a…


DIG Deeper: Coaching to Gain Clarity

Businesses are constantly in transition—adopting technology, adjusting to changes in their industry, and evolving to meet the needs of their customers. In that dynamic environment, there’s little time to reflect on management structure and transition strategy. Proactive organizations invest in executive coaching to address challenges that are impeding growth or preventing them from reaching their…


Top 10 Most Cited OSHA Violations in 2019

Safety+Health unveils finalized Top 10 data for FY 2019 (which ended Sept. 30) Fall Protection – General Requirements is OSHA’s most frequently cited standard for fiscal year 2019. This marks the ninth consecutive year it has stood atop the agency’s “Top 10” list. Fall Protection – General Requirements (1926.501) Hazard Communication (1910.1200) Scaffolding (1926.451) Lockout/Tagout…


Growing. Changing. Protecting Your Future.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance Protects Your Business From The Inside. Business transition brings changes. New leadership introduces new perspectives and a new way of operating. But while you’re focusing on the future of your business, there’s a blind spot to be aware of: even with the best practices in place, employee claims still arise. Employment…
