Deeley Serves – September 2019

Deeley Insurance Group is proud to sponsor the Pink Ribbon Golf Tournament benefiting the American Cancer Society. Monies raised are used to further breast cancer research, as well as support local programs benefiting survivors and their families. The tournament is a part of the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” event series held each year on…


Fall Weather Safety

The fall season is upon us, bringing along many weather risks. The National Weather Service (NWS) launched their seasonal safety campaign to help educate on possible extreme fall weather risks. Learn how to be ready, responsive and resilient to the hazards. Don’t let bad weather sneak up on you—it is time to get prepared now.…


Upcoming Condo Association Educational Opportunities

Attention Community Association Managers, Board Members and Unit Owners! Many educational opportunities upcoming through Community Associations Institute – Chesapeake Region Chapter. We hope to see you there! CAI Annual Symposium & Expo – “Meetings Gone Wild. Leading Your Board Out of Chaos.” Have you attended a board or community meeting that made you feel like…


5 Big Risks for Home-Based Businesses

Many home-based business owners treat their operations informally—but you shouldn’t. According to Census Bureau data, about half of U.S. businesses are operated from home. The Insurance Information Institute has found that the majority of home-based business owners lack insurance coverage beyond what they have through their homeowners’ insurance policy—which is generally not designed to cover business-related claims.…


Fall Home Maintenance

The autumn season is a great time for preparing your home to withstand the potentially harsh winter weather and temperature conditions. By making maintenance part of your annual fall routine, you can identify potential problems before they arise, and help prepare your home and property for what Mother Nature has to offer. Travelers provides the…
