Chris Curtin named the first Common Interest Community Ombudsman for Delaware

In August, Delaware Governor Jack Markell signed a bill creating an Office of the Common Interest Community Ombudsman as part of the Department of Justice. The Ombudsman will receive and investigate complaints regarding potential violations of the law, regulations or governing documents for condominium and homeowner associations. When the program is finalized, homeowners will have…


Is your business ready?

OSHA reporting guidelines will change beginning January 1, 2015. 8 HOURS – Report fatalities within 8 hours of occurrence. 24 HOURS – Report hospitalizations, amputations, or loss of an eye within 24 hours of the occurrence. Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics there were reported 4,405 fatal work injuries in 2013. In 2013, the number…


Home, home for the winter…

Time to Winterize the House Winter is upon us and with it comes the chance for severe weather that can cause havoc on your home’s exterior and introduce other property damage risks. Use the following tips to ensure your home gets through the winter season unscathed: Keeps the roof clean, including the gutters. Built-up clumps…
