New Changes to Overtime Wage Payment

On May 18, 2016, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released a new rule that will overhaul overtime wage payment. The new rule doubles the salary threshold that employees must meet to qualify for the overtime wage payment exemption—a change that could affect more than 4 million workers across the United States. What is changing?…


National Safety Month Week #2 – Safeguard your Health

My son came home from school when he was in 2nd grade and flat out refused to take any of his medicine until I proved that his name was on every prescription bottle. Luckily, all bottles were properly marked and he did remember the doctor prescribing these medications. On that day, my son had worked…


National Safety Month Week #1 – Stand Ready to Respond

We talk about preparation a lot. And after all those wonderful blogs about Hurricane preparation during Hurricane Preparation Week, I don't think I can devote any more time on how to prepare your disaster kit. So lets Stand Ready to Respond. Here on the Delmarva Peninsula we are literally surrounded by water. Teaching our children…


What Determines Vehicle Safety Ratings?

I just purchased my third Honda Civic in my life time. I chose on reliability and safety all three times! So what determines a vehicles safety rating? Although every vehicle sold in the United States must meet minimum safety requirements, the government also uses safety ratings to encourage consumers to purchase safe vehicles as well…
