Hurricanes and Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

As a homeowner, it’s essential to understand what types of hurricane damage are covered by your homeowners insurance policy and what additional endorsements or policies you should consider to ensure that you’re adequately protected. Types of Hurricane Damage Covered by Homeowners Insurance Policies Most homeowners insurance policies provide some financial protection against damage caused by…

What If There’s An Accident Or Injury At Work?

The Best Employers Consider The Whole Person In A Workers’ Compensation Claim Incident People are the backbone of any business. And when injuries and accidents occur in the workplace, it’s a real loss on many levels. What if you must file a workers’ compensation claim? And more importantly, how can you prevent them in the…

Reserve Studies and Your Community

Community Associations Institute (CAI) released revised guidelines for Reserve Study Standards in May of 2023. The update recommends adding two supplemental reports to reserve studies: A Preventive Maintenance Manual Periodic Structural Inspections These reports would be incredibly helpful to maintain buildings as the Boards and/or Management changes. Maryland, Delaware and Virginia each have reserve study requirements…

Marijuana in the Workplace

Marijuana, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, is classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, indicating it has a high potential for dependency and no accepted medical use. Although isolated components of the raw marijuana plant have recognized medicinal uses, smoking marijuana has not passed the Food and Drug Administration’s rigorous…

Maryland Legislative Update on Condominium Insurance

The 2023 Legislative Session in Annapolis has ended and the Community Association Institute MD-Legislative Action Committee (CAI MD-LAC) screened more than 3,000 bills introduced and tracked 87 that were of interest to the Community Association community. Effective Oct. 1, 2023, Maryland HB98/SB403 allows detached condominium units to obtain property insurance coverage as HOAs, with unit owners…