Summer Lightning Safety

Summer has arrived and we're all trying to spend more time outdoors. Gathering outside with family and friends for cookouts, boating, baseball and soccer games are an American tradition. However, summer does bring dangers, namely thunderstorms and lightning. Here's some disturbing facts: Deaths by Lightning 54% occur in open fields, ball parks and golf courses…

Linda Gsell is Retiring!

We are celebrating with Linda Gsell as she prepares for her retirement! After 18 faithful years at Deeley Group, she is ready to focus on her 'true joys' – her grandchildren! Linda has grandchildren in many states, from North Carolina and Alabama to Delaware and Maryland. Her husband is semi-retired after 45 years in the…

Special Event Policies for your Community Association?

The Community Association Institute, Chesapeake Chapter produces a quarterly newsletter, the Beacon. Melissa Esham, Business Development Advisor for Deeley Insurance Group contributed an article on special events in community associations in the spring issue. Check out Page 5! If you need a Special Events quote, you can get an immediate quote, pay and bind the…

CARS 3: Auto Insurance versus Life Insurance

At times, insurance agents will get together and talk about the best way to get a client covered. Even I was a little surprised when my 11 year old niece asked me the following insurance question: “If you were going to insure one of the CARs from the CARS movie – would you sell them…

Executive Leadership Team Promotions

Deeley Insurance Group is pleased to announce two recent promotions within the Executive Leadership Team. Cindy Hall has been promoted to Vice President of Sales. She has 24 years of experience in sales management in the commercial and hospitality industry. Cindy focuses her time supporting the sales and support teams. Her focus is to help…