7 Daily Habits of Great Leaders

When you think about the accomplishments of great business leaders, the scope of their achievements may seem intimidating. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn from them in order to become a better leader yourself. Let’s examine some habits of great business leaders that you can adopt to strengthen your leadership skills. When practiced…

Fatigue: A Job Site Hazard

A recent survey by the National Safety Council found that 69 percent of workers feel fatigued at work, exposing themselves to on-the-job accidents and injuries. The workers facing the most risk of fatigue-related accidents are those who do shift work, particularly in industries like construction. In fact, 100 percent of construction workers surveyed reported experiencing…

Check Your Own Boat

Warmer weather is here! Is your boat ready for the season?  The Virtual Vessel Examiner is a free online tool that walks you through a full self-inspection of your recreational boat. From proper display of your registration number to how many Visual Distress Signals you need on board, this interactive checklist keeps you compliant with…

Safety in Reverse

Whether you are on the road or at the loading dock, you have a variety of risk factors to consider. Backing accidents can result in personal injury, property damage and increased insurance expenses. Backing up a vehicle, whether it is an automobile or large truck, can be a difficult task. In fact, many accidents occur…

Spring Driving Hazards – Trucking

It’s time to start thinking about spring and the unique driving hazards the season brings. Check out these tips provided by Great West Casualty Company. Adverse Road Conditions. Potholes pose a significant risk to drivers and equipment. These hazards are created when melting snow and ice seep into the soil under the pavement. When the…

Managing Remote Work Arrangements

Allowing employees to work remotely from home or other off-site locations can increase productivity for workers, reduce costs for the company and create beneficial flexibility to keep operations going if something happened to your business’s primary physical location. However, remote work, or telecommuting, needs to be conducted carefully with the help of established company policies…