Conducting Performance Reviews With Remote Employees

Performance reviews are traditionally conducted in-person, on a recurring basis. But, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, most businesses have some employees working remotely. Measuring performance among these individuals can be a particular challenge. Managers should use this shift toward remote work as an opportunity to rethink how their organization conducts performance reviews. What’s more, reevaluating and…

Winter Home Maintenance Tips

Winter weather can be unpredictable, and cold temperatures, high winds, ice and snow can cause serious damage to your home. To avoid costly weather-related repairs, it’s important to prep your home and property for winter. Be Winter Weather Ready with these tips to keep your home cozy and safe inside: Weatherproof windows and doors—Check your…

Preventing Rear-End Crashes

Of the various causes of accidents, rear-end crashes are some of the most common and dangerous. According to the FMCSA, 400,000 trucks are involved in motor vehicle crashes each year, and 18% involve rear-end crashes. Rear-end crashes can occur for a variety of reasons, including poor driving conditions (e.g., low visibility, slippery roads or traffic…

Fall Driving Hazards

Driving in the fall creates a new set of seasonal risks for drivers. From shorter days to increased road obstacles, drivers need to be on guard for fall-related hazards and know how to prevent a crash. REDUCED VISIBILITY The fall season brings shorter days and reduced visibility while driving. This can affect your depth perception,…

The Pandemic & The Plan

Addressing the What-Ifs Creating A Comprehensive Business Continuity Plan Prior To The Pandemic Made Adapting Easier A pandemic? That rarely happens. What are the chances? When Deeley Insurance Group sat down in 2017 to create a business continuity plan, they started with a boilerplate guide for dealing with interruptions like power outages and natural disasters.…