House Passes Changes to Overtime Rules

On May 2, 2017, the House of Representatives passed the Working Families Flexibility Act (also known as H.R. 1180). If approved, H.R. 1180 would authorize private employers to offer compensatory time instead of overtime pay for nonexempt employees who work more than 40 hours per week. H.R. 1180 still needs approval from the Senate and…

Memorial Day Safe Travel Tips

Traditionally, Memorial Day Weekend is the official start of the summer travel season. Unfortunately, it’s also become known as one of the busiest, and deadliest, weekends for travel. Numerous studies show that traffic violations and fatalities increase around Memorial Day. Here are a few tips to make your holiday travel easier, and safer. By Air…

Hurricane Safety Tips

Ocean City, Maryland officially recognized the week of May 7-13, 2017 as National Hurricane Preparedness Week. Here's a short video with the National Weather Service's basic hurricane preparedness tips: Here are some additional resources you can reference to increase your family's safety: National Weather Service ( Hurricane Preparedness Page Ready.Gov Family Emergency Communication Plan…

Pathway to Violence – Warning Signs and What You Can Do

On March 22, 2017 the Ocean City Hotel Motel Restaurant Association hosted a Terrorism Awareness Session for businesses in Ocean City and Surrounding Areas. James M. Schwartz who is a Task Force Officer in the Joint Terrorism Task Force with the FBI presented information to many local businesses on what to look out for and…

Deeley Group Serves – The Philanthropic Arm of Deeley Group

Deeley Group Serves was recently formed as the employee led philanthropic arm of Deeley Insurance Group. Deeley Group surveyed our team on how to improve our culture and workplace. We had an overwhelming response for better ways to give back to our amazing community. We are incredibly lucky to work near the beach and for…

Carbon Monoxide Laws for MD Rentals

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is colorless and odorless, but extremely poisonous. Over 150 people in the United States die each year because of CO poisoning from common products like generators, furnaces, stoves, and fireplaces. The Maryland General Assembly recently passed House Bill 0849 and Senate Bill 0182, making it required by law for all rental…

Watch out for the Invisible Killer

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is colorless and odorless, but extremely poisonous. Over 150 people in the United States die each year because of CO poisoning from common products like generators, furnaces, stoves, and fireplaces. To keep you and your family safe this year, follow these tips from the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA): Install and maintain…