Condominiums and FHA Certification

Condominium Associations, when possible, should attempt to be FHA certified. The FHA certification makes it easier for purchasers to secure a loan and that the loan would have lower down payment requirements. Certification was particularly hard to obtain for many of our clients for one main reason: Previously, 50% of condominium units needed to be…

Hurricane Storm Terminology – Know the Terms!

Keep these terms in mind so you know when to start preparations for incoming weather. Tropical Cyclone: A warm-core, non-frontal, synoptic-scale cyclone, originating over tropical or subtropical waters, with organized deep convection and a closed surface wind circulation about a well-defined center. Once formed, a tropical cyclone is maintained by the extraction of heat energy…

Electrical Safety Tips for the Home

The amount of electricity in the average home is enough to cause serious injury and death, and, according to the National Fire Protection Association, there are 50,000 electrical home fires every year. That’s why it’s so important to take electrical safety seriously in your home. Here are some tips to stay safe around electricity: Avoid…

Rule Breakers, Rule Followers, and Rule Enforcers

Any community association is governed by a set of by-laws or other governing document that outlines a set of rules for the residents of the community. Managers are taught to rely on these documents and refer to them regularly. Owners and residents are responsible for reading and understanding the rules of the community and then…

Where to Get Hurricane Information

As any storm approaches, look toward your local weather and municipalities to take the lead and heed their advice! However – if you just want to storm track, check out these great links. National Hurricane Center Central Pacific Hurricane Center National Weather Service U.S. State and Territory Emergency Management Agencies Maps of evacuation zones courtesy…

Know Your Stuff!

Have you performed a home inventory? Keeping a list of your personal property with videos and pictures is recommended to all homeowners when buying insurance. It makes the claims process go more quickly. Did you make the list? I’ve checked our office of insurance agents and about 10% of them have an inventory of what…