Admitted vs. Non-admitted Carriers

There are times when the coverage you need is available exclusively from a non-admitted carrier. What is the difference between admitted and non-admitted carriers, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Should you be concerned if a carrier is not admitted? Admitted Carriers An admitted carrier is one that follows guidelines set forth…

Is Your Property Aging Properly? New Building Codes

Have you ever woken up and felt like you aged five years over night? Your property may have just done that. Since new building codes are being adopted all the time, your property may cost more to rebuild now than it did just a few months ago. With technological advances, building codes are changing at…

Wawa & the Red Cross

March is Red Cross Month. It is almost as good as peanut butter and chocolate – I love when two of my favorite things combine. Wawa is partnering with the Red Cross to raise funds and celebrate their special month. From March 2nd to May 3rd, all coin donations at the register will go to…

The Big Thaw. We’ve got you covered.

It didn’t stay 9 degrees. As the weather warms and pipes melt, you may need us. If you need to report a claim, there are several options: Website: Email: Phone: 410-835-2000 Emergency Number: 443-523-6472 Helpful Reminders: Several carriers will not insure a freeze loss if the unit or home is not kept at…

Healthy Living Incentives – Can they lead employees toward healthier habits?

Through our expenditure actions, most people understand intuitively that eating a nutritionally sound diet, exercising, not smoking, not drinking in excess, and undergoing preventive exams and screenings all enhance one's chances of staying healthy. And, in turn, the likelihood of having lower health care costs. If “it's good for you” isn't reason enough, financial incentives…