I meet with our transportation experts every month to find out what is happening in the transportation industry. I then do additional research via multiple
search engines to write blogs that are pertinent to the transportation industry.
I have gained a healthy respect for the transportation drivers. My research has concluded that the job can be physically and mentally draining and the
smallest of infractions could cost the driver and the company a great deal of money. Not to mention, any screaming you are hearing from customers are
probably not words of thanks.
I was honestly shocked when not one but two hiring boards emailed me a list of job opportunities as a trucker. I have actually read the CDL licensing
manual. I could probably pass the written test with flying colors but to be completely honest, my driving skills need work. And, that is when I am in a
regular passenger vehicle.
This is the internet tracking my every move and deciding that I was interested in being a commercial truck driver. The ads felt a little odd, but
effective, as I have been searching a lot of transportation issues over the past few months.
As an industry, it appears that transportation companies are using any and all resources to recruit truckers. Higher wages, better equipment and positive
behavior reinforcement are being used to attract and retain workers to the industry.
Here you can find a blog about Healthy Living Incentives. If
used effectively, these ideas could not only help to recruit and retain truckers, but also help them pass the FMCSA medical regulations at their next check
Thanks for reading. How are you recruiting and retaining drivers? Please share any helpful tips.