Document your Property & Belongings

In almost every blog I read about protecting your belongings, one common thread appears over and over. Document your possessions with photo and videos. This is supposed to help a claims adjustor replace your lost items. It is recommended by every insurance agent – at all times. Home or business common sense says – take…

Meet Our Team – Courtney West, Claims Specialist

Background Courtney graduated from University of Maryland College Park, with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and a minor in Sports Commerce and Marketing. She came to us from Verizon Telecommunications, where she excelled at the fast pace call center and specialized in retention. Courtney brings her conflict resolution and customer service skills to Deeley…

New Reporting Requirements – OSHA Part 2

Effective Jan. 1, 2015, OSHA requires employers to report any work-related employee fatality within eight hours and inpatient hospitalization, amputation or loss of an eye within 24 hours. Employers have three options for reporting these severe incidents to OSHA. You can call the nearest area office during normal business hours, call the 24-hour OSHA hotline…