Have you made your emergency kit?

Truth is – I steal the money out of my disaster kit all the time. It is my way of securing a few dollars and then when I really need a treat… I got it. I replenish it once a year on June 1st to make sure that in the case of a hurricane, I…

An Evacuation Plan!

I have lived and worked in Worcester County, Maryland all of my life. In my lifetime, I have evacuated on three occasions. I have been forced to “shelter in place” or stay home more times than I can count. I have learned to find friends who have generators, boats, and construction equipment that can get…

Where to Get Hurricane Information

As any storm approaches, look toward your local weather and municipalities to take the lead and heed their advice! However – if you just want to storm track, check out these great links. National Hurricane Center Central Pacific Hurricane Center National Weather Service U.S. State and Territory Emergency Management Agencies Maps of evacuation zones courtesy…

Cyber Extortion – what can you do?

The screen goes black. Then the popup message shows up. Hackers have your data and your system and you can't get back in without paying a ransom? It happens and with the speed and determination of cyber criminals – hackers – it is going to happen more and more. What can your business do to…

Chesapeake Employers to Alter Rate Structure in 2020

Chesapeake Employers carries workers compensation coverage for many of our insureds and other businesses in Maryland. Due to a court ruling the carrier will have to change the rate structure. Chesapeake Employers will be changing the rating method and complying with a national rating method imposed by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI). This…

Counterfeit Money? How would you know?

The Ocean City Police Department has warned businesses of counterfeit currency. The $50 and $100 bill have been passed as counterfeit. Businesses are urged at all times to closely examine currency. It appears the counterfeit pens that may businesses have relied on previously are giving some false results. The Federal Reserve Board offers these tips…

The Town of Ocean City requesting a Letter of Map Revision from FEMA

Trying to remap a community after FEMA has already remapped it and the city has approved it is a tough endeavor. The Mayor and City Council has agreed to expend $65,000 on a consultant to complete a Letter of Map Revision to bring portions of the town in to a lower risk zone. Several buildings…