How to Make Sure Your Office is Hurricane Ready

Reading a protection blog, even when well written and with convenient bullet points, gets boring after awhile. Thanks to who shared this great graphic with us. We want to bring you protection information in the most fun, colorful and most appropriate way for you to read. Our office is prepared, is yours? Do you…

Transportation Insurance Trends

Most commercial lines insurance remains very competitive in the current economic climate. This is favorable to the insureds. The commercial auto industry is unique as rates continue to increase for these businesses. In this article from National Underwriter, Craig Dancer, a transportation practice leader for Marsh says, “Trucking is seeing particularly severe tightening in the…

Fireworks Extravaganza 2016

I love the 4th of July. I love a professional fireworks displays on a warm night. I am also pleasently surprised by the professional displays that are hosted by small towns on the Eastern Shore. Here in Willards, MD we are lucky that they host a great show on Sunday, July 3rd. Rain date is…

New Changes to Overtime Wage Payment

On May 18, 2016, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released a new rule that will overhaul overtime wage payment. The new rule doubles the salary threshold that employees must meet to qualify for the overtime wage payment exemption—a change that could affect more than 4 million workers across the United States. What is changing?…

National EMS Week May 15-21, 2016

It is National EMS Week. At Deeley Insurance Group we are proud to protect and insure a number of great local volunteer fire and emergency service departments. Personally, I am wowed by all the services EMS workers perform. I am wowed because I am “that Mom.” Any EMS worker knows me or a Mom just…

Have you made your emergency kit?

Truth is – I steal the money out of my disaster kit all the time. It is my way of securing a few dollars and then when I really need a treat… I got it. I replenish it once a year on June 1st to make sure that in the case of a hurricane, I…

An Evacuation Plan!

I have lived and worked in Worcester County, Maryland all of my life. In my lifetime, I have evacuated on three occasions. I have been forced to “shelter in place” or stay home more times than I can count. I have learned to find friends who have generators, boats, and construction equipment that can get…

Where to Get Hurricane Information

As any storm approaches, look toward your local weather and municipalities to take the lead and heed their advice! However – if you just want to storm track, check out these great links. National Hurricane Center Central Pacific Hurricane Center National Weather Service U.S. State and Territory Emergency Management Agencies Maps of evacuation zones courtesy…

Know Your Stuff!

Have you performed a home inventory? Keeping a list of your personal property with videos and pictures is recommended to all homeowners when buying insurance. It makes the claims process go more quickly. Did you make the list? I’ve checked our office of insurance agents and about 10% of them have an inventory of what…

Cyber Extortion – what can you do?

The screen goes black. Then the popup message shows up. Hackers have your data and your system and you can't get back in without paying a ransom? It happens and with the speed and determination of cyber criminals – hackers – it is going to happen more and more. What can your business do to…