January is National Blood Donor Month

January is the perfect time to help others through the act of giving. During National Blood Donor Month, organizations like the American Red Cross pay tribute to the nearly 11 million donors, and encourage others to start the New Year off by giving blood. According to the American Red Cross, January is a challenging time…

Small Fleets Affected by the One-Size-Fits-All Regulation Approach

No matter the size of the company, the federal government places the same regulations on all trucking companies. The House Committee on Small Business held a meeting to examine how these regulations affect small trucking companies, as well as looking into ways to help ease the burdens. Check out the Delaware Motor Transport Association’s article…

ELD Transition Guidance

The FMCSA published this chart and an accompanying “frequently asked questions” reference to facilitate compliance with the ELD final rule. The document also provides information regarding a 90-day temporary waiver from the ELD requirement for transporters of agricultural commodities, formal guidance specifically pertaining to the existing Hours-of-Service exemption for the agricultural industry, and guidance on…

Power is Out – How do you stay warm?

If you are lucky, you have a backup generator, warm fireplace, candles and hand-cranked flashlights that can charge your cell phone. If not, what do you do? FEMA suggests the following: Be ready with these power outage preparedness tips from The Ready Campaign: Build or restock your emergency preparedness kit. Include a flashlight, batteries, water,…

National Flood Insurance Program authorized through January 19th

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was authorized for a five year period that ended on September 30th. Since then there has been three short-term extensions. Currently the program expires on January 19th. Check out the news article from Insurance Business Magazine that reviews the importance of a long term authorization of the National Flood…

Holiday Parties: Limiting Social Host Liquor Liability

A bartender is legally liable for serving alcohol to a patron who becomes intoxicated and then injures a third party. Does a business face a similar exposure when it hosts a social event where alcohol is served, such as an open house or employee picnic? According to the Insurance Information Institute, liquor liability exposure is…

What to Do After a Data Breach

The Equifax data breach has garnered a lot of news, and rightly so as it affected millions of consumers. The US Federal Trade Commission has released an article on five things consumers should do after a data breach. There are steps to take to help protect your information from being misused. Visit Equifax’s website, www.equifaxsecurity2017.com.…