Take Charge of Breast Health

Breast exams are extremely useful in detecting cancer early. Clinical exams, breast self-exams (BSEs) and mammograms should be completed regularly so that it is possible to determine if there are changes in breast tissue, indicating breast cancer or other potentially harmful conditions. Clinical Exams and Mammograms The American Cancer Society recommends clinical breast exams every…

Insurance Commissioner Reminds Condo Association of Rules

On September 12, 2017, Delaware Department of Insurance Commissioner, Trinidad Navarro, issued Bulletin #27 targeted to insurance producers and adjusters reminding everyone of the existing rules concerning the primacy of condo association master policies. The bulletin is the result of reports that some management companies were refusing to give individual unit holders access to file…

Food Safety After a Power Outage

Hurricanes and other natural disasters are frequently accompanied by a power outage. Oftentimes, the lack of power is as great a danger as the storm itself. If the power is out for less than four hours, the food in your refrigerator is most likely fine, provided the door was left shut. After four hours, things…