Work safety committee meeting

Workplace Safety Committee Assessment Checklist

Safety committees help organizations prevent workplace injuries and illnesses. However, managing an effective committee takes effort, planning and coordination. This assessment checklist is designed to assist your organization in auditing their workplace safety committees to ensure they run smoothly and foster a strong safety culture. Click to download our free checklist: Workplace Safety Committee Assessment…

Ethnic information technology worker typing on a laptop computer.

Debunking 5 Common Cybersecurity Myths

Also known as IT security, cybersecurity refers to the act of safeguarding internet-connected systems, critical data and other digital assets from potential cyberthreats—threats that may attempt to exploit sensitive information, steal funds or disrupt normal business operations. In other words, cybersecurity consists of the strategies implemented to help protect people, processes and technology from cyberattacks…

Close up photo of burst metal water pipe, forcefully shooting a stream of water up into the air.

Water Damage Response Guide for Businesses

Water damage—whether from burst pipes, flooding or roof leaks—can lead to extensive structural damage and harm to valuable equipment, inventory and personal belongings. In fact, it’s one of the most common and frequent causes of property damage. A prevention plan helps mitigate these risks, reducing the likelihood of costly repairs or replacements. This 24-page water…

A group of young multiethnic office colleagues gather around a laptop computer. Happy, engaged team members review something on the computer screen.

4 Ways AI Could Impact the Workplace in 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) garnered attention from every industry in 2023, revolutionizing how organizations operate and make decisions. Many employers adopted this technology to streamline operations, enhance workflows and improve customer experience. Over the coming year, workplaces are expected to adopt AI even more rapidly. While many may worry about the likelihood of their jobs being…

Man in winter coat carrying large boxes up a flight of stairs on the street to the entrance of a building.

Be Cyber Secure: Tailgating and Piggybacking

Tailgating and piggybacking are low-tech tactics used by malicious actors to enter secure areas. They occur when an unauthorized person gains physical access to a location with sensitive information or vulnerable IT equipment. These intrusions can have significant financial and reputational impacts on businesses, so it is essential for companies to take measures to prevent…

Pregnant woman in blue dress stands in a field, holding ultrasound photos of her unborn child.

Important Employment Law Changes in 2023

Last year brought about significant shifts in the employment law landscape, impacting how organizations navigate the complex web of regulations governing workplaces. The U.S. Supreme Court issued several consequential decisions in 2023, and these and other rulings may have major impacts on employers, altering established labor and employment laws and workplace practices. In 2024, it’s…

What If There’s An Accident Or Injury At Work?

The Best Employers Consider The Whole Person In A Workers’ Compensation Claim Incident People are the backbone of any business. And when injuries and accidents occur in the workplace, it’s a real loss on many levels. What if you must file a workers’ compensation claim? And more importantly, how can you prevent them in the…

Marijuana in the Workplace

Marijuana, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, is classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, indicating it has a high potential for dependency and no accepted medical use. Although isolated components of the raw marijuana plant have recognized medicinal uses, smoking marijuana has not passed the Food and Drug Administration’s rigorous…