Using Face Shields

Injuries to your eyes, nose, mouth and other parts of your face can be life-altering. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is important to prevent injuries to the face. In some instances, it’s important to use face shields. When to Use a Face Shield Working in construction means that you will be asked to complete a variety…

The Ultimate Guide to Creating an Employee Handbook

An employee manual not only sets the stage for your company’s culture, vision, vibe, and rules of the road, but it also establishes your intention to communicate clearly. Also, certain elements within the handbook—such as perks, compensation, benefits, and a safe work environment—are essential for the retention of employees. This guide provided by The Hartford…

Insuring Your Home for the Right Amount

Depending on the age and condition of your home, calculating the insurance value or reconstruction cost, can be a complicated process. These tips from The Cincinnati Insurance Companies provide you with information to better understand the valuation process. What is reconstruction cost? Reconstruction cost, or replacement cost, is the cost to hire a contractor to…

National Flood Insurance Program Reauthorized through 9/30/2020

Congress must periodically renew the NFIP’s statutory authority to operate. On December 20, 2019, the President signed legislation passed by Congress that extends the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP’s) authorization to September 30, 2020. Congress must now reauthorize the NFIP by no later than 11:59 pm on September 30, 2020. FEMA and Congress have never failed…