Ocean City Deputy Fire Marshal’s Tips to Avoid Another Winter of Frozen Pipes

Ocean City Deputy Fire Marshal’s Tim Price and Joe Sexauer attended the September meeting of the Delmarva Condominium Managers Association (DCMA). Mr. Sexauer discussed the false alarm reduction program. Charges can occur if false alarms are not handled in a timely manner. Click here for the Fire Alarm Activation Report. Anytime a preventable alarm occurs,…

5 Tips for Using Cloud Services to Keep Your Private Information Safe

Storing documents, photos and data in cloud storage can be very convenient. Some people feel it’s much easier to have everything in one place instead of carrying around flash drives or discs that contain your data. But recent events in the media may have you doubting whether the private information you keep in cloud storage…

National Preparedness Month – Week 1 – Floods

September is National Preparedness Month. What can we do as an insurance agent help you prepare for a disaster? This month we will review four different disasters and the recommendations from the Federal Emergency Management Association and for this great information. www.ready.gov is full of great information to help you prepare for a flood. Week…

Document your Property & Belongings

In almost every blog I read about protecting your belongings, one common thread appears over and over. Document your possessions with photo and videos. This is supposed to help a claims adjustor replace your lost items. It is recommended by every insurance agent – at all times. Home or business common sense says – take…

Important Tips for Hiring Reputable and Reliable Subcontractors

There are plenty of advantages with hiring subcontractors. Whether contractors hire them for renovations or new building projects, there are a few important things to know. The most important thing to think about is who the individual is and how he or she will represent the company name. When customers complain, they will likely name…

“Flocking” Insurance – Is your Business ready?

Our Willard’s office has been flocked. We were completely unprotected and 60 pink flamingos landed in our front lawn. Nicely done Salisbury Jaycees, nicely done. As insurance agents we are ready to review your policies and make sure there are no gaps in protection. Important to note, “Flocking” insurance is only sold by the Salisbury…

Meet Our Team – Courtney West, Claims Specialist

Background Courtney graduated from University of Maryland College Park, with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and a minor in Sports Commerce and Marketing. She came to us from Verizon Telecommunications, where she excelled at the fast pace call center and specialized in retention. Courtney brings her conflict resolution and customer service skills to Deeley…