Managing Remote Work Arrangements

Allowing employees to work remotely from home or other off-site locations can increase productivity for workers, reduce costs for the company and create beneficial flexibility to keep operations going if something happened to your business’s primary physical location. However, remote work, or telecommuting, needs to be conducted carefully with the help of established company policies…

5 Types of Cyber Criminals

Understanding the types of cyber criminals and their techniques can help protect your organization from a data breach. Travelers provides a list of common threats and prevention steps a business can take. #1 The Social Engineer Cyber criminals pretending to be someone else can trick unsuspecting employees to compromise data. In one scenario, a spoof email purporting…

Phishing During Tax Season

PHISHING SEASON IS HERE! You’re gearing up for tax season, one of your busiest times of the year. But phishing scammers are gearing up, too. The Federal Bureau of Investigation reports Human Resource departments and W-2 data are top targets in online personal info theft. STAY SUSPICIOUS Phishing relies on unsuspecting people who take a…