A distracted delivery driver looks out the passenger-side window.

Preventing Distracted Driving

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines distracted driving as engaging in any activity that takes an individual’s attention off the road. Distracted driving is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that distracted driving contributes to nearly 400,000 injuries and 3,000…

Truckers: What Can You Do To Prevent Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is any activity (including fatigue and illness) that diverts your attention away from driving. Truck drivers must devote their full attention to driving. Any non-driving activity is a potential distraction and increases your risk of crashing. Check out the types of distractions along with defense techniques. RECOGNIZE THE HAZARDS MENTAL (COGNITIVE) DISTRACTIONS. Mental…

Teen Distracted Driving

For most adults, driving is second nature. Like breathing, we don’t really think about it. But to teens, the whole driving experience is new. This makes them more prone to distracted driving. Having the right coverage is important for helping protect against the unexpected – but Nationwide reminds us that paying attention on the road…

Always Drive Safe

We all believe ourselves to be safe drivers, yet up to 94% of motor vehicle crashes involve human error. Follow these tips to help stay safe on the roads. Avoid Dangerous Driving Behaviors. Prevent injuries on the road by keeping your focus on the driving task: Avoid impaired driving, whether by alcohol, lack of sleep…