Identifying Confined Spaces

Accidents often occur in confined spaces because workers were unaware that they were in such an area to begin with. As such, the first step toward safety in and around confined spaces is to identify them. Confined Space Characteristics OSHA standards define confined spaces as meeting the three following criteria: The space is large enough…

Using Face Shields

Injuries to your eyes, nose, mouth and other parts of your face can be life-altering. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is important to prevent injuries to the face. In some instances, it’s important to use face shields. When to Use a Face Shield Working in construction means that you will be asked to complete a variety…

Portable Ladder Safety

Falls from portable ladders (step, straight, combination and extension) are one of the leading causes of occupational injuries. Be sure to familiarize yourself and your employees on the following safety tips before using a ladder. Read and follow all labels/markings on the ladder. Avoid electrical hazards! – Look for overhead power lines before handling a…

Top 10 Most Cited OSHA Violations in 2019

Safety+Health unveils finalized Top 10 data for FY 2019 (which ended Sept. 30) Fall Protection – General Requirements is OSHA’s most frequently cited standard for fiscal year 2019. This marks the ninth consecutive year it has stood atop the agency’s “Top 10” list. Fall Protection – General Requirements (1926.501) Hazard Communication (1910.1200) Scaffolding (1926.451) Lockout/Tagout…

Chain Saw Safety

Operating a chain saw is inherently hazardous. Potential injuries can be minimized by using proper personal protective equipment and safe operating procedures. Check out these OSHA QUICKCARD tips: Before Starting a Chain Saw Check controls, chain tension, and all bolts and handles to ensure that they are functioning properly and that they are adjusted according…