Power Surge – Are you protected?

Power spikes or surges can be caused by lightning, power outages, short circuits, tripped circuit breakers and more. Standard power strips do not offer protection against these surges. In order to make sure you are using a surge suppressing power strip check for an LED light that says Protected. You can also check to see…

Who pays Deductible? – Q & A part 1

Incident: Mary lives in Happy Beach Condominium in Maryland. Mary’s washing machine overflows when she is trying to wash her big, thick beach towels. Water flows to Mary’s neighbor below and causes damage to Mary’s and the neighbor’s unit. Happy Beach Condominium’s insurance policy will pay for the damages to the unit. Mary has purchased…

Flooded with Flood Changes?

Changes haven’t stopped yet. Please keep reading. On April 1st the NFIP rate and fee increases will occur as policies renew. On July 16, 2015 our local area is experiencing map changes that go in effect. Currently, lenders are refining (a fancy word for changing) the requirements for flood insurance coverages. This is where it…

Wawa & the Red Cross

March is Red Cross Month. It is almost as good as peanut butter and chocolate – I love when two of my favorite things combine. Wawa is partnering with the Red Cross to raise funds and celebrate their special month. From March 2nd to May 3rd, all coin donations at the register will go to…

Chris Curtin named the first Common Interest Community Ombudsman for Delaware

In August, Delaware Governor Jack Markell signed a bill creating an Office of the Common Interest Community Ombudsman as part of the Department of Justice. The Ombudsman will receive and investigate complaints regarding potential violations of the law, regulations or governing documents for condominium and homeowner associations. When the program is finalized, homeowners will have…