Breck Ramsay is joining Deeley Insurance Group as an Accounting and Human Resources Summer Intern. Breck attends the University of South
Caroline (USC). She is majoring in Finance and minoring in Spanish. She will graduate in 2018.
Breck plans to pursue her accounting career as either an accounting business owner or as a large business accountant that allows her to travel throughout
the U.S. and worldwide. She also desires to become fluent in Spanish.
Community Involvement
At USC, Breck is very involved in her Service Sorority. In the fall, she will be holding the position of Sports and Recreation Chairman. She is also active
in Student Government. Breck was the Treasurer on the Executive Board of Patterson Hall which is a part of the Residence Hall Association.
Advice for Success at School/Work
As a college student who travels over 500 miles to go to school, I try to live my life by the following words, “If you are brave enough to say goodbye,
life will reward you with a new hello.” I have to remind myself, from time to time, that what is difficult to do, like going so far from home, will bring
me new and great opportunities that I would not have had otherwise.
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