Alexis “Lexi” Jones is a 13 year old girl finishing her 6th grade year as an honor roll student at Berlin Intermediate School in Berlin, Maryland.
Lexi was born at 24 weeks gestation, weighing only 1 lb. 14oz. She was only months old when complications from birth left her legally blind, only able to identify shadow and light perception and only within a few inches of her face.
Lexi has been learning, reading, and writing in Braille. She receives orientation and mobility training from professionals from the Maryland School for the Blind, and is learning how to use a walking cane. Lexi has also been diagnosed with autism making learning even more challenging.
Her mother believed nothing could be done to improve her vision. It was Lexi herself who found a recording of a TV show about “Esight Eyewear.” She told her mother, “Mommy I need these glasses. They make blind people see.”
On June 11, 2015, Lexi with sample glasses was able to see her mother’s face for the first time.
Esight eyewear is new technology and not covered by insurance or any other medical funding. The cost of each device is $15,000.
To help get Lexi to see, her mother has set up a gofundme page: 'Lexi's Esight Journey!! http://dm2.gofund.me/wvqavg
If you need a tax deductible receipt, you can send a check the Autistic Children's Support Group of Worcester County. This group is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing parent-to-parent support for families living with Autism and related developmental disabilities. Find more on their website at acsgwc.org
Autistic Children's Support Group of Worcester County,
P.O. Box 1322,
Ocean Pines, MD 21811
(Any donations received after the goal of $15,000 has been met, will be given to this support group!)
More information about Esight can be obtained by visiting esighteyewear.com or on Facebook at Esight Corp. or by calling 1-855-837-4448.
Although donations are appreciated, sharing this great news, any prayers or well wishes are also needed.