As we continue to love local charities, we would like to send sweet notes of appreciation to Maple Shade Youth & Family Services. Our Deeley Group
Producer, Nicole Brushmiller, is on the Board of Directors at Maple Shade so this nonprofit is close to our hearts.
As shootings at schools and movie theaters continue to make the news too frequently, it is important to remember that mental health for our children and
families remains a top priority in curbing violence.
Maple Shade Youth & Family Services, Inc.
offers therapy for Children, Adults, and Families who exhibit behavioral or emotional disorders. The organization serves Wicomico County, Maryland and surrounding counties.
Clinical Treatment options include individual therapy, family therapy, and psychiatric treatment. Behavioral therapy is an integral part of treatment
plans, given its proven effectiveness in modifying behavior. They also offer respite care for families who need rest time while caring for a special needs
family member.
If you have questions or know of someone in need of these services, you can contact the staff at Maple Shade by emailing info@maple-shade.org.
Thanks for reading.