Please share these helpful driving reminders as we leave the winter weather and head in to spring.
Turn Around Don’t Drown! As all the winter weather melts and drains, spring rains come through and streets flood,
please don’t risk it. The depth of the water can be surprisingly deceptive. Find an alternate route. -
Pot Holes – ugh. The winter weather has damaged our roadways so remember to keep your tires properly inflated in case you cannot avoid hitting this road
hazard. - Road repairs are being completed to restore the roads to traveling conditions. Please watch out for those workers and slow your speed.
- The roads are slickest when it first starts to rain and the water mixes with the oil and grease on the road. Use proper speeds.
- Spring brings motorcyclist, bicyclist and pedestrians out on to the roadways again. Please share the road.
- Place your phone in the glove compartment. If you are holding your phone you cannot notice the road conditions or the beautiful spring blooms.
Thanks for reading and stay safe on our roads.