In New York City, my brother called for a car on his smart phone app.
The app told him how many cars were in the area and how fast someone would be there.
Let me tell you – as I was on the way to the airport and had a plane to catch – it was a pretty cool app. Plus, my super smart brother paid for the ride
without having to haul me to the airport himself. Win-win!
Not once did I think about what happens if we were in an accident. As an agent I should ask this question. Your auto policy may offer you some protection
if you are hurt in an accident as a passenger. However, it is important to review your auto policy and the company’s policies prior to using these new
When Uber or Lyft arrive locally, we will review the company policies and update potential riders. We want everyone to drive and arrive safe.
Thanks for reading. Will you use ridesharing if it appears in our area?