I KICKED BUTTS. 520 days smoke free. 74 weeks smoke free. 1 ½ years smoke free.
How did I do it? I sought help.
I sought help with my doctor. He prescribed the patch. I was determined to follow his instructions as exactly as he prescribed. I followed the program to the T for 10 weeks.I stopped wearing the patch at 10 weeks. I felt like a non-smoker. I felt done. I felt free.
At times I get stressed and think about a cigarette but I no longer associate myself as a smoker. I’m very careful to not let stress dictate my behavior. I still live with a smoker but I broke the physical addiction and the mental association. There is no logic in needing a cigarette now because I am a NON-SMOKER.
Thanks for reading and thanks Dave Nimrod for sharing your story. Do you have a #kickedbutts story?