Deeley Group Gives, a committee within Deeley Group Serves, donates to employee-nominated charities or causes throughout the year.
We were honored to donate a total of $2000 to the Meals on Wheels programs in Worcester County and Wicomico County this summer.
MAC, Maintaining Active Citizens, runs the Wicomico County Meals on Wheels program. Here our employees, Shaneka Nichols, Rachel Thompson and Naomi Waters are pictured with Michael Foster from Mac, Inc.
The Worcester County Commission on Aging runs the Meals on Wheels program in Worcester County. Here one of our employees, Shaneka Nichols, is pictured with Debbie Ritter from the Worcester County Commission on Aging.
We were honored to support these organizations that offer food and hope to members of our community who are going through a difficult season of life.
Deeley Group Serves is the philanthropic arm of Deeley Insurance Group.