Twenty-three! I counted them. The town of Ocean City is offering 23 different camps to residents and visitors to try out new and exciting activities. From
art to volleyball there is something that every child would enjoy. I will be highlighting some of the camps that are unique to our community. To view a
complete list, click here.
Endless Summer Surfing Camp
Learn the art of surfing. Endless Summer Surfing Camp is sponsored by the Ocean City Parks & Rec. Surfing is often a sport and an art. Learn the
nuances from some of the local surfers. Children ages 8 and up can paddle out from 5:30 – 7:30 pm to learn the art of surfing, and hopefully, catch their
first wave.
Endless Summer Boogie Board Camp
Have you ever wanted to attempt a 360? Maybe you just want to know what “ride the line” means? As the fun of riding a boogie board is definitely
exhilarating, learning the lingo is fun too! These are late afternoon camps.
Fishing Camp
My son attended this camp and was all set with fishing skills by the end of the camp. He could bait and cast a fishing rod with ease. Next time, he wants
to sign up for catching camp. He knows how to fish, but he didn’t catch anything!
Deeley Insurance Group is always looking for great activities for our kids that are unique and educational.
Thanks for reading. What do you have scheduled for the kids this summer?