Did you owe the tax penalty for being uninsured in 2014? The penalty is a minimum of $95 per individual. In 2015 that number jumps to $325 per individual
and you still are without health coverage.
If you paid the tax penalty, you have an additional opportunity to enroll in the Maryland Health Exchange before April 30th.
If you are interested in the Maryland Health Exchange and you missed open enrollment, here are some other extenuating circumstances that may allow you to
procure this health care coverage. Per the Maryland Health Exchange website these are the exceptions to open enrollment:
- Getting married or divorced
- Having a child, adopting a child, or placing a child for adoption or in foster care
- Certain changes in income
- Moving to or from Maryland and certain moves within the state
- Having a change in disability status
- Gaining or losing a dependent
- Becoming pregnant
Certain losses of other health coverage (such as employer ending coverage, or loss of job or employee leaving a job that provides coverage, but not
termination for consumer’s failure to pay plan premium) - Becoming ineligible for Medicaid or MCHP
- Turning 26 years old if you are enrolled in coverage through your family’s plan
- COBRA coverage period ends
- Other changes that may affect eligibility include: change in tax filing status, change of citizenship or immigration status, incarceration or release from incarceration & change in status as an American Indian/Alaska Native or tribal status
- Certain errors or exceptional circumstances. These are reviewed on a case-by-case basis