OneDigital Coronavirus Employer Advisory Hub

The OneDigital Coronavirus Advisory Hub is designed to present practical solutions for employers that are actionable, timely and helpful in shaping workforce decision-making. Visit the Coronavirus Advisory Hub for information on: Benefits Considerations – Helping your workforce stay healthy and access the critical care they need. Human Resources Considerations – Managing your workforce through national…

Tips for Working Remotely

Many organizations have asked employees to work remotely during the COVID-19 outbreak. If you’ve never worked from home, this can be a challenge. Here are some helpful tips as you adjust to your new environment. Self-Care Cut yourself some slack. Working from home can be a big transition. You might feel any combination of lonely, isolated, stressed,…

What Relief Do I Have as a Business for Economic Loss as a Result of Coronavirus?

Has your business been impacted by coronavirus? We encourage you to contact your local Chamber of Commerce offices for assistance in applying for economic aid through the SBA. The chamber office is able to collect names of businesses that have experienced a substantial negative impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic. State Information: Maryland Coronavirus Information…

If I Get Sued as a Result of Coronavirus, will my Liability Policies Respond?

Liability Concerns COVID-19 raises a number of liability concerns, particularly if guests, customers or employees allege they became sick due to a business’s negligence. When it comes to these concerns, it’s important to take the following insurance considerations into account: General Liability Insurance—General liability insurance, sometimes referred to as commercial liability insurance, protects your business…

If My Employee Gets Coronavirus at Work, Will Workers Compensation Respond?

Workers’ Compensation Insurance In instances where an employee believes they contracted COVID-19 at work, a number of workers’ compensation considerations come into play. As with many topics in workers’ compensation, the answer is, “it depends”—the specific facts of a claim, as well as jurisdictional statues, determine compensability. As the situation in the United States evolves,…